When one endeavors to remain in a state of no-mind and exist consciously on a daily basis, desires gradually fade away to an almost non-existent level. Therefore, you don't raise your hand to become a leader yourself. That's why the surroundings need to recommend it. Such a leader has no internal conflict, so they don't fight with anyone, and can build a peaceful society.
Even if you choose a humble and sincere leader, if the majority around them are self-centered, the leader's opinion is ignored, and they are crushed immediately. It is essential for a sincere leader to surround themselves with sincere leaders and members. It allows a peaceful and calm society to continue.
If citizens are ignorant or indifferent to the selection of leaders, the chances of a dictator becoming a leader increase. At that time, people criticize this leader. However, the ignorance and indifference of the citizens are the beginning.
The ego is always looking for someone to attack and wants more and more material things without limit. If a person with a strong ego becomes a president or prime minister, they will try to expand their territory more and more. For this, they use weapons and do dishonest things to attack the opponent. Even if the surrounding countries are militarized and increase their military power, they shake from various angles and try to create an opportunity for invasion. As long as the leaders of each country are self-centered, invasions will not disappear, and there will be no end to wars. From the perspective of surrounding countries, a situation of peace and security will never be born. The only way to build a peaceful society is to choose a leader worldwide whose entrapment to ego is infinitely thin. People all over the world understand this and choose such a person as a leader. Otherwise, a fundamentally peaceful society will never be born.
If people around the world do not recognize the necessity of electing, at the very least, peaceful individuals as leaders, peace will not be achieved.
When a leader's words and actions start to diverge, it may be a good time to consider a change. This could be a sign of a lack of integrity beginning to surface.
Younger staff members often have less understanding of their own job suitability. Therefore, leaders should observe their work and gather information about their personal characteristics through casual conversations. Showing interest and striving for understanding is an act of love, which is the very nature of consciousness.
Even without offering advice, just listening and empathizing can lead staff to start trusting their leader. Listening and empathizing come from a place of love that seeks to accept others without judgment.
People feel great joy when someone empathizes with their experiences. Conversely, empathizing with someone else gives them joy and energy.
If a leader speaks in a manner that corners people, staff who feel suffocated will drift away. When cornering someone, the leader might be trying to instill fear to gain control, which is a behavior stemming from ego and could lead to downfall. However, there are also those who take this approach in reverse, using it as a means to foster growth in others. In such cases, they maintain a balance by being gentle and considerate after being harsh.
When a leader negates ideas from staff, everyone stops presenting ideas.
When a leader transforms their way of speaking, interacting, asking, and helping into something more positive, including love, respect, and gratitude, the behavior of the staff changes.
When someone is generous or gives a lot of gifts, it is unwise to judge them as a broad-minded and egoless person just because of that. Those with strong egos often treat others or give gifts for the sake of appearances, fulfilling their own vanity.
A leader sometimes has to say things that are hard for their staff to hear. However, if they do this too often, they will be seen as nagging. Nagging individuals may be speaking with the other's best interests in mind, but the other's ego perceives this as criticism and resists, becoming uncooperative or aggressive.
Advice to people can sometimes involve positive encouragement, but at other times, stern words or a pessimistic view might be more effective. Generally, maintaining a balance of 80% positivity and 20% negativity is good, with the ratio reversed depending on the situation and person. If there's too much sternness, people will drift away.
When an expert watches a beginner's efforts, they can generally quickly discern what is good and what is bad. Rather than pointing it out immediately, it is often better to hold back in the moment. If there is instant feedback every time, the ego of the person doing the work can feel fear and become incapable of bold action. Offering advice at a calmer time and in fewer instances makes it easier for the person to receive and less likely to feel deflated.
Advice often doesn't reach those with high pride and closed ears. Therefore, one must wait until they fail and feel embarrassed. Only then might they begin to show signs of listening to the opinions of others. Trying to forcefully open closed ears only makes the ego more stubborn. However, even people with high pride may listen to the opinions of those who continue to listen to them with love, and their trust in such people increases. In this sense, people who exist consciously are more likely to soften the hearts of stubborn individuals.
Whether you instruct a person struggling with a task harshly or gently, little improvement is usually seen. However, gentle instruction can lead to slight improvements. This is because the individual wants to reciprocate for the lack of blame and assistance they received. Thus, the basic principle is to interact with love.
For people who make many mistakes at work, it may be better to reassess their job placement. If they're berated, they might simply quit. When placed appropriately, one often realizes that the person wasn't the problem. When a new job is closer to one's vocation or true calling, intuition sharpens, and abilities are displayed. Intuition is often lacking when doing something one is not good at.
In an organization, there are people who don't perform their tasks adequately even with instructions from the leader. In such cases, try pairing them with someone else. Even those who don't do their work properly often have people they trust and feel comfortable with. When paired with these individuals, they may perform better because they don't want to break the trust of the other person. The ego views people it doesn't trust as enemies, but it doesn't want to be disliked by people it trusts. However, this doesn't mean there will be dramatic improvements.
People with strong desires and strong demands for their own share are well suited to a success-based reward system. The ego can exert great power for its own benefit. When this type of person works in an organization, they often blame others when they don't achieve results, which can create a toxic atmosphere in the organization. It's suitable to place them in a situation where they can't make excuses.
Having individuals with strong egos and those with thin egos work in the same group should be avoided as much as possible. People with strong egos start to exploit those with thin egos, and the latter lose their motivation to work.
Organizations and leaders that fundamentally strive to be no-mind and exist consciously tend to move toward harmony.
○Money Society
Politics, economics, education, welfare, medicine, science, entertainment, every industry influences each other. Almost all the problems that occur in them are directly or indirectly related to money. This is because there is a larger framework of "money" around these industries. The solution may exist in a non-monetary society outside of this framework.
Living naked in the fields or jungle, humans developed science to the point where they could launch rockets into space and interact internationally via the Internet. The society of money was effective in this regard. It stimulated our self-interest, wanting more, giving birth to competition and war, leading to advancements in technology, intelligence, and organizations. This has made life more convenient. However, this scientific technology has negatively impacted the global environment to the brink of extinction.
In a money society, business owners who desire money are more likely to succeed in their ventures. Those who exist consciously do not have such desires. Having money in a money society also means having power, but because it is fundamentally a fight to take away money from each other, a peaceful society cannot be established. When a society where money is not needed is built, people who exist consciously tend to emerge as leaders, and a society without conflict and preserving the natural environment can be built.
In a money society, intelligence directly translates into good education, good education leads to employment in good companies and stable high salaries, and for the country, it leads to the development of human resources to win competition with other countries. The mechanism of society is formed based on money. This mechanism assumes acquisition, and does not base on the essential factor of existing consciously.
In a money society, human desire increases, and values greatly lean towards acquisition. Acquisition of money, things, positions, fame, people, and technology. What rejoices in acquisition is the ego, "I". The ego consumes more resources than what the natural cycle can replenish. When you exist consciously, the desire for acquisition diminishes, and only the minimum necessary acquisition within the natural cycle remains.
In a money society, the insatiable desire of the ego makes more goods, sells more, continues to use natural resources, and increases waste. Economic growth is a repetition of this. Inversely proportional to economic growth, the natural environment continues to be destroyed.
The money society that demands more and more strengthens the ego, and distances us from no-mind. Thus, morality and moderation fade.
The society of money is a society of personal gains and losses, so the rules and regulations to protect individual interests increase and become complicated.
Even if rules are increased in detail, there will be those who circumvent them, especially when it involves a desire for money.
When you get used to a light-tasting meal, you can see how heavily seasoned the food in a monetary society is. Stimulation makes people addicted. Making people addicted makes money. It also increases the number of sick people. The ego is what becomes addicted.
The society of money is a society where money is fought over. Therefore, winners and losers are born. This is why homeless people and low-income earners have continued to exist all over the world for hundreds of years. The society of money is not a system where everyone can live an average or above lifestyle, but a system that becomes unfair. It is a game where people who are good at making money win, a system where a handful of the super-rich monopolize money, and the vast majority of people become low-income earners.
While the excessive concentration of a money society can efficiently generate profit, it has its weaknesses and becomes problematic when triggered by disasters. Examples include population concentration in cities, mass production in one place, income sources from one company, reliance on digital devices, and so forth. When a non-monetary society that does not pursue profit is built, a distributed society will be established in terms of population distribution, agriculture, and manufacturing.
In a money society, even the smallest company prioritizes survival when starting a business. Then, consideration for the natural environment and other factors become secondary.
Young people in their early twenties, who were always cheerful and lively, darken at a certain point. That's from the day they start working.
You end up facing people you don't get along with for several hours every day. Therefore, it becomes stressful. That's the workplace.
If you finish your work quickly and space out, you're seen as slacking off. Therefore, there is a lot of pretending to work. That's the workplace.
A place where you are spoken to as soon as you start to concentrate. That's the workplace.
There is a place where people are made to work an hour or two of unpaid overtime because of the fear of being criticized for being the only one to leave on time. That's the workplace.
Men tend to feel ashamed if their income is low. The ego, the 'I', perceives low income as a lack of ability and a loss.
In a money society, when introducing oneself to a stranger, one often mentions one's job or position. That's how much a job defines a person. Therefore, if you are unemployed, you are often seen as a problematic person. However, most people around the world would rather not work if they could.
When you introduce yourself by telling your job or position, you are explaining your past memories and experiences, your ego. It's not about your true consciousness. When you are trapped in your ego, you play out your past memories, whether you're a student, a part-timer, a freeter, a salaryman, a business owner, or a politician. This ego builds relationships of gain and loss, and hierarchy. Then, true friendship is less likely to sprout, and it becomes a temporary work-related association. A relationship that exists as consciousness, like the friendships built from childhood through teens, has no hierarchy or gain or loss.
Even if it's a vocation or a suitable job, there are things that are not popular or profitable. Then, it becomes difficult to continue because you cannot make a living. In this sense, the money society narrows the range of human expression.
People who work from morning till night every day to earn a living and vaguely think that something good will happen if they keep working hard are trapped in a labor belief. This is a thought that comes from the memory of the past, which is common sense.
You lose your alone time. You lose your time to hang out with friends. You lose your free spending money. Despite that, your work stress and anxiety about your family increase. That's marriage in a money society.
Monday morning in a money society is a time of melancholy for many people. They have to push themselves for work or school that they do not like. For people in a non-money society or for those who are doing what they love, such things do not happen, and they get excited about what to do today.
○In Conclusion
Prout Village, while incorporating elements such as science and technology in its city planning, is not sufficient alone. The key lies in the growth of individuals who understand the Ego and consciousness, which are directly linked to human speech and behaviors. Why do humans suffer? Why do conflicts and problems occur? All these stem from the existence of the Ego and thought. The increase in people consciously existing as consciousness forms the foundation of a peaceful and tranquil society. In this sense, the upcoming era with Prout Village will also be a period of human spiritual advancement.
Author: Hiloyuki Kubota
Sustainable Society Prout Village 2nd Edition
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