○Understanding the Nature of Ego and Consciousness
Understanding the nature of ego and consciousness means understanding the reasons behind our own words and actions and those of others, which equates to understanding humans. This understanding enables us to grasp how to build peace and comprehend intuition. We can also discern what kind of leader we should choose. Prout Villages need sincere leaders, which can also be understood from the relationship between ego and consciousness. Here we summarize the nature of ego and consciousness.
Consciousness is silence, harmony, refinement, beauty, love, gentleness, comfort, joy, fun, peace, purity, innocence, no-mind, intuition, inspiration, curiosity, insight, realization, wisdom, growth, universality, essence, eternity, omnipotence, all, knowing everything, accepting everything, encompassing everything, having a vast vessel, being free, being unconfined, including the ego, being both good and evil, being neither good nor evil, being both light and darkness, being neither light nor darkness, being neither male nor female, but including both, making no distinction, having no beginning or end, having no time, having no color, shape, or smell, but including all these, existing before the birth of the universe, being the consciousness of humans, being singular, being life, being the soul, including temporary entities like the universe, matter, and ego, containing existence and nonexistence, containing everything while being nothing.
Just as the sweetness of sugar cannot be fully conveyed through verbal description, consciousness cannot be fully explained in words. Just to be as consciousness.
To be as consciousness, try the following. Close your eyes, slowly inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Focus your consciousness on this breath. When you focus your consciousness on your breath, you can intentionally stop your thoughts, and during that time, you become mindful. At that time, only consciousness remains in your head, so be conscious of that consciousness. It's also called becoming aware of consciousness. At that time, there are no thoughts, so there is no desire, no suffering, and no "I" ego. The ego is the thought. In this way, always be aware of consciousness and be as consciousness.
Not only focusing your consciousness on your breath, but also when you concentrate on one task in sports or art, you become mindful. People feel comfortable and happy with actions that make them mindful, like sleep. Consciousness is also about comfort and joy. The joy referred to here is not about the temporary and extreme emotion of utmost happiness.
Playing mindfully like a child is fun. That is a state without thoughts. Consciousness is also fun.
When humans engage in pure creation, there is intuition beforehand. This intuition arrives during a state of no-mind consciousness. In essence, something arises from emptiness. Existence arises because emptiness is present. The creation of the universe, too, was brought forth by consciousness that was emptiness, creating the universe as something through the Big Bang. Essentially, before the universe, only consciousness existed.
The vast universe also emerged within the container of emptiness known as consciousness. Therefore, humans don't possess consciousness individually; everything lives within consciousness and exists interconnected by consciousness. Humans began recognizing this consciousness as their brains developed, allowing for thought.
What existed before the birth of this universe was this consciousness. It's the consciousness that humans and all life possess. Not only living beings but also stones, water, air, and all matter manifest this consciousness. This consciousness is the singular interconnected entity.
The ego, "I", is a temporary thought that appears within consciousness. Only consciousness exists in this world, representing the fundamental essence of all life. Both the mind and body, as well as the ego and thoughts, are temporary and not eternal.
Consciousness is essential, and everything else is an illusion.
When dreaming of falling from a high place, being chased by someone, etc., humans think it's reality while watching the dream. Similarly, in this real world, humans live thinking this is reality. However, from the perspective of consciousness, that is also a dream. That is, the ego called "I" is not essential.
A newborn baby does not have the ability to think because the brain is not fully developed, thus they are always in a state of no-mind. As they grow, their brain develops and their thinking ability increases. Along with this, a sense of self, "I", emerges. The "I" considers personal gains and losses and begins to move away from being conscious as consciousness. Through many life experiences of joy and pain, they return to the state of being conscious as consciousness. They experience consciousness from the self that has separated from consciousness. This process happens through humans and the universe.
When you stay in a state of no-mind and remain conscious, spontaneous thoughts occur. These thoughts come from past memories, which can be desires, anger, or anxieties about the future. These thoughts produce emotions, which in turn produce the next thoughts, leading to the next emotions. Negative thoughts produce negative emotions. Recognize this and deliberately become no-mind to stop this chain.
Negative thoughts generate negative emotions, which in turn manifest as stress and symptoms in the body and mind. While some individuals have naturally positive personalities and others have naturally negative personalities, both can experience spontaneous thoughts. Therefore, it is important to exist as consciousness and maintain a state free from captivity.
If one is not conscious of consciousness, they become unconscious of the spontaneous thoughts that arise and are swayed by them. Both happy and painful memories, depending on the case, can be deeply ingrained and affect the individual. The person may not realize that they are being swayed by their thoughts. And the words and actions that come from there become their character. For example, people with many happy memories tend to have more positive words and actions, while people with many dark memories tend to have more negative thoughts. In other words, being unconscious of spontaneous thoughts means that memories from the past, which the person may have forgotten, are affecting their daily words and actions. This leads to people with good or bad characters, strong or weak desires, and proactive or passive attitudes.
Everyone is suffering from something. Whether they have a job or not, whether they have money or not, whether they are famous or not, whether they have friends or not, they are suffering. This is because there is a self, "I". When you become no-mind and there are no thoughts, there is no "I", so suffering disappears. If you are always conscious of this, no-mind becomes a habit. When you are not conscious, thoughts dominate emotions and actions. The inner fork in the road between no-mind and thought determines whether life is peaceful or full of suffering.
Race, gender, religion, ability, status, assets, and so on do not indicate human superiority or inferiority. These are superficial measures of larger or smaller, more or less, superior or inferior, famous or unknown, seen from the perspective of the self, "I". On the other hand, being as consciousness, there is only a stage of how much one can remain in no-mind without being swayed by the self, there is no superiority or inferiority. There are people who have impressive titles socially but are swayed by their self, and there are people who own nothing but continue to exist in no-mind.
The degree to which one can consciously become no-mind in a day indicates their progress.
Acquiring things, embarking on journeys, possessing high abilities, and gaining recognition all generate temporary joys and sorrows, as an unconscious life repeats this cycle. If one realizes this, it becomes easier to engage in activities without attachment.
Ultimately, all human beings reach a state of consciousness. Until then, they experience gains and losses, happiness and sadness in a cycle. These experiences are not inherently good or bad. Distinguishing between good and bad is also a product of thoughts. No-mind is not bound by such distinctions.
In that sense, events in life are neither inherently good nor bad, neither gains nor losses, but neutral. By learning from these events, one can progress to the next stage, and if one fails to learn, similar events will repeat themselves.
As the depth of realization increases, the time spent in no-mind increases, and the state of consciousness expands. The degree of realization influences the events that occur in one's life and the decisions made at that moment. As the depth of realization deepens, one distances themselves from desires and anger. Every event that occurs in life is also an experience for deepening realization.
As no-mind becomes habitual, one becomes more aware of spontaneous thoughts and naturally gravitates towards no-mind.
In a marathon, some aim to reach the finish line quickly, while others focus on completing the race regardless of time. In the end, everyone reaches the same goal. Similarly, humans, regardless of how slowly they progress, ultimately arrive at the same fundamental consciousness.
The ego fears losing itself or getting hurt, which is why it fears death. In a state of consciousness, there is no fear of death, nor even the concept of death itself. Premature death is not considered bad, and the notion that living longer is better does not exist. The ego clings to life and death. In the state of no-mind, there is no concept of birth or death. In other words, there is no birth or death in consciousness. Consciousness has been there all along, continuously existing. That is the fundamental essence of human beings.
Humans are fundamentally conscious, so becoming no-mind or gaining consciousness is not something new or acquired. It is simply being unaware of that continuous presence, the state of ignorance. Instead, the egoic thoughts come to the forefront, and humans mistakenly identify themselves with those thoughts as "me."
In youth, even the most rough and violent individuals tend to become gentler and more peaceful with age. From this perspective, humanity as a whole moves from evil to goodness, from restlessness to tranquility, from roughness to refinement. This happens when individuals recognize the ego and are no longer swayed by thoughts, ultimately leading to a state of conscious existence. It is a direction from ego to consciousness. The difference lies in whether this happens in this life or in future lives.
All the events and experiences that happen in life lead back to the fundamental consciousness.
There is no need for ascetic practices or fasting to engage in no-mind.
Being conscious doesn't mean becoming perfect.
Being conscious means there is no thought, so there is no concern about being complete or incomplete.
The goal is not to stop thoughts. Even if thoughts arise, they will dissipate when observed objectively. The key is not to be carried away by unconscious thoughts.
There is no need to worry if thoughts don't stop. Making efforts to stop them is another attachment and source of suffering. When thoughts arise, simply observe them and return to no-mind.
Even when striving to be conscious, there may be moments of anger or fear. However, one quickly realizes that those thoughts and emotions are temporary, and without becoming trapped by them, quietly observes their disappearance.
Humans seek happiness, but there are two types of happiness in words. One is the transient joy and excitement that temporarily uplifts emotions. The other is the tranquility without disturbing thoughts. When seeking happiness outside the body, such as in possessions or fame, the joy of acquiring something fades away quickly. When one becomes aware of the consciousness within, they encounter the happiness of tranquility through no-mind.
To be in a state of no-mind does not mean experiencing the highest form of happiness. It is a state without attachment, calmness, and normalcy.
When one obtains something they consider the best for themselves, they are enveloped in great joy. When they lose it, the disappointment becomes equally significant. Temporary joy and suffering are two sides of the same coin.
Suppose one knows and practices being conscious. Even then, if they feel attachment in everyday life, they can recognize it as the moment when memories and ingrained beliefs arise. By being aware, they become less swayed by these patterns.
The ego also attaches importance to achievements and numerical values.
When one attaches value to material possessions, failures are seen as losses, and successes are seen as gains. If one values experiences, both success and failure become meaningful experiences. In a state of consciousness, there are no failures or successes; events simply unfold.
When one enters a state of no-mind, the desire to obtain something also disappears.
Even if sexual desire arises, it dissipates when one becomes no-mind.
Whether one possesses many or few things, if there is no attachment to them, the mind remains light.
There is no greater lightness of mind than being without desire.
There is no greater strength than being without desire.
In a state of no-mind, there is no contemplation of meaning. Consequently, the concept of the meaning of life disappears. Contemplating the meaning of life belongs to thought and ego.
Life has no inherent meaning, and there are no must-dos in life.
There is no exploration in a state without thought. It is the end of life's exploration. The end of life and death. The end of humanity.
There is neither good nor bad in life. It is thought that determines such distinctions. Thought arises from past memories and fixed notions.
Live as consciousness, not as ego.
Even when one becomes desireless, there can still be encounters with new people and actions such as creating something. These occur as intuitive responses.
Maintaining no-mind leads to a calmness of the heart, speech, and actions. It also brings about a sense of composure in one's character. Consequently, everyday problems decrease.
When there is a calm person, those around them also become calm. When talking to a calm person, even an angry person becomes calm. Calmness steers things toward resolution. Responding to anger with anger only escalates the situation and leads to a breakdown. Calmness is devoid of anxiety, impatience, and anger as thoughts; it is a state of conscious existence. In other words, a harmonious consciousness takes precedence, and the ego aligns with it.
In a state of consciousness, there are no thoughts, no distinctions. Hence, there is no gender, no problems, no conflicts, no separation, no strife. Furthermore, there is no need for comprehension. When something happens, it simply happens. This is not indifference but a state of observation.
Being in a state of no-mind contributes to world peace. Conflicts arise when one is swayed by the ego. No-mind is peace, and the ego is conflict.
When we spend more time in a state of no-mind, we lose interest in the competition of winning and losing. Feeling triumphant when winning and feeling regret and misery when losing are part of our ego.
To exist as consciousness means to be in a state without thoughts, to be sincere and pure. It means being without malice and innocent. That's why children are adorable, and their words and actions are appreciated. There are adults who are like that too.
Highly intelligent people advance science and technology. People with a sense of humor create a fun atmosphere. Those with artistic sense create new expressions. People who exist as consciousness create a peaceful world.
The sixth sense, a perceptual ability beyond the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, refers to the mind's eye and is the state of being in no-mind, being conscious. Therefore, we can intuitively notice the essence of things. Consciousness is about insight.
Whatever you do to come up with ideas or grow, it is necessary to observe, analyze, and incorporate. To notice new elements at that time requires insight. It is noticing the ideas that pop up in your head. Insights come from intuition that arises when the mind is empty. On the contrary, if your thinking is filled with preconceptions, they become obstacles, eliminating the gaps for intuition to enter.
The information that comes in through the eyes is neutral. Even if an accident is happening right in front of you, it is simply an event that is occurring. When you start judging this information with thought, good and bad, joy and sadness emerge. If you look at this information with no-mind, consciousness responds in the form of intuition, and words and actions occur. Sometimes there is no reaction or silence.
When catching a ball falling in a game of catch, it is difficult to do so with your eyes closed. Normally, you watch the ball in the center of your field of vision to catch it. Around this central vision, there is peripheral vision where the scenery appears blurry. Even at a distance like in a game of catch, you can catch the ball by watching it with your peripheral vision. When playing soccer, you may notice an opponent player entering your peripheral vision and intuitively come up with a play to take advantage of the situation. Thus, the information from peripheral vision occupies a large part in judging things. When in a state of no-mind, consciousness obtains information from both central and peripheral vision and responds intuitively.
With repetition, the body moves without thought. Then, that skill is used naturally through intuition. Techniques that the body hasn't learned are performed slowly while thinking and do not become intuitive. Intuition is expressed instantaneously, so it is fast and does not require thought.
Sometimes you hit your toe on something and it hurts. This is a state of suffering with the thought of pain. In such times, you should become no-minded and observe the pain objectively. Even if you become no-minded, the physical pain does not disappear, but the pain and suffering felt in the mind do, and you do not suffer more than necessary. Suffering or enjoying physical sensations is also a thought and ego.
When you spend many years with the same person, you see various aspects of their personality, but the first impression you felt when you first met them often does not change, no matter how many years pass. In a first encounter, there are no preconceptions about the other person, so you can see the information that comes in through your eyes with no-mind, without being disturbed by thoughts. At that time, you notice the other person's true self through the insight of consciousness. That's why a first impression is seeing the raw personality of the person before it is disturbed by memory.
People with very good characters are instantly recognizable to anyone. Even a small gesture can convey their goodness. If you're unsure whether someone's character is good or bad, it's not quite there yet.
As it becomes more natural to exist as consciousness, kindness, consideration, and harmony become inherent in our daily words and actions.
People who act every day with the good of the whole in mind are trusted by everyone. Considering the good of the whole is a quality of consciousness that also represents love.
The circumstances around us reflect our state of mind. People who prioritize themselves increase their enemies and make life harder. Those who think and act for the good of all make their surroundings friendly and peaceful.
People who maintain a state of no-mind and have inner peace do not gossip or speak ill of others, do not retaliate when criticized or attacked, but silently endure, or don't care and watch as it passes.
When the inner self becomes peaceful, those who interact with that person also feel secure and peaceful. Inner peace is a state free from thoughts that generate desires and separations.
There is freedom when we exist as consciousness, and there is constraint when we exist as mind.
If you think, "I find this person difficult," it is conveyed to the other person through the atmosphere. The feeling of discomfort or hostility towards someone is a thought that comes from past memories. These thoughts appear as subsequent words and actions. While there's no need to like everyone, not making them feel uncomfortable by being in a state of no-mind is key to not deteriorating relationships.
In life, when faced with a situation that cannot be resolved by thinking, positively give up, relax, and let go to a state of no-mind, leaving it to fate. Then, the obstructive thoughts disappear, creating a gap for intuition to enter, and solutions or the path to follow become visible.
When you leave it to consciousness and follow your intuition, even if the difficult problem in front of you cannot be fully resolved, it can serve as an opening move and may be improved at another timing.
By living while leaving things to fate rather than deliberately doing something and moving, you experience that the timing of things aligns and things flow smoothly. As you get used to it, you stop panicking when you're in trouble.
As no-mind becomes habitual, you stop perceiving difficulties as hardships when you encounter them.
When various events occur and things become complicated, and you feel overwhelmed by emotions, do nothing and be quiet. Soon the next step will naturally come into sight.
When you are unsure whether to do something or when you are forced to make a decision, stop for a moment and become no-minded. If it feels natural to move forward, do so, and if it feels natural to retreat, then retreat. When it is time to move forward intuitively, you can decide to move forward without hesitation, and if you decide not to move forward, it was not a strong enough impulse. Even if you decide not to do something for the time being, you may end up doing it because you cannot suppress the urge.
In addition to intuition, actions and ideas can arise from emotional judgments, habitual thoughts, desires, and hunches. At that moment, you might think it's intuition, but after some time and when you calm down, you may feel it was not. In this case as well, stop before acting and become no-minded. If you are confused, it's not intuitive. Then, proceed if it feels natural to do so, and retreat if it feels natural to retreat. There are times when judgment based on emotions such as expectation, anger, and sympathy is not no-minded, and therefore may be wrong. To understand in yourself what is intuitive and what is not, experience similar situations many times, and analyze yourself whether that judgment was based on intuition, or it was due to something other than intuition. Then it becomes easier to understand what is intuitive.
The difference between intuition and misunderstanding is razor-thin.
Being present in consciousness and following pure impulses to let life unfold can lead to actions such as starting to create something or beginning something new, for no apparent reason. After experiencing this a few times, you may faintly see the larger flow of life and feel that preparation for the next step is happening. In this way, when you become no-minded, the path you should follow naturally becomes visible. As this becomes normal, you realize that life is not driven by desire, but is a single path followed by intuition. Thus, consciousness uses humans through intuition, and humans live beyond their ego as consciousness.
By quietly observing life, you begin to feel that everything that happens in life, no matter how trivial, is happening because it is meant to. At a stage where you don't think this way, it seems coincidental.
In a state of no-mind, there is no sense of understanding. When thinking, there is a dichotomy of understanding and not understanding. Thinking polarizes things into good and bad, existence and non-existence, likes and dislikes, etc. A materialized universe expands within consciousness. Consciousness is not material, but it includes the material universe. When being as consciousness, there is no good or bad, but it includes both. From this perspective, when being as consciousness, there is no meaning or purpose in life, but it includes having meaning and purpose. Having a meaning or purpose is thinking. From the perspective of thinking, it can be understood that the purpose is for humans swayed by the ego to return to the source called consciousness, and from the perspective of consciousness, returning occurs without reason.
One of the triggers for a person to work on being as consciousness is that the curiosity to explore nature arises naturally. Another is that a sudden, shocking event occurs. This can be despair or the pain of losing something important. Even if you face an unexpected huge pain in life, you can later understand that it was an opportunity to notice the fundamental consciousness. Illness is a danger signal from the body and provides an opportunity to review your lifestyle. The pain of life is also a trigger to notice the original state of consciousness, as the cause of that pain, the thought, is temporary.
When you experience long-term suffering, there comes a moment when you get tired of suffering. When you learn about no-mind at that time, you stop going back.
The worst suffering caused by the worst events becomes the best event leading to the encounter with no-mind.
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