○On Delinquency, Misconduct, and Anti-Social Forces

     In investigations against gang members, there is a commonality among those who join gangs as adults: they lacked sufficient parental love during their personality development period from birth to 20 years old. This commonality also applies to boys and girls who engage in delinquency in their teens. Other factors include being from impoverished families, or having experienced discrimination based on their region of origin or nationality. A deeper aspect of this problem is that individuals who were raised without receiving love often don't know how to express love when they have children of their own. This can result in their children also growing up in a love-deprived environment, creating a vicious cycle leading to delinquency.

    In Prout Village, there are no individuals suffering from poverty. As such, every parent has enough to provide for their lives and sufficient time to express love to their children. Therefore, this problem is less likely to occur. However, if there is a clear deficiency of love in a family, this anomaly may manifest as delinquency in the child. In such a case, the municipality can protect the child and there is room for another person to take over as a parent. Such mutual aid is possible because everyone has access to housing and life necessities for free and there is a surplus in living conditions.


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