○About Bullying

     As long as humans have an ego, they tend to prioritize themselves and engage in negative behaviors towards others, such as anger, inferiority, dissatisfaction, blame shifting, gossip, and violence. Therefore, as part of the initiatives at the municipality level, and also for parents and children, it is recommended to learn about no-mind and acquire the means to control the ego. Understanding that the causes of problematic behavior and the suffering in life lie within the ego allows individuals to objectively examine their own words and actions.

    Based on this premise, municipalities work towards creating systems to eliminate bullying. Schools and workplaces comprise the majority of places where bullying occurs. Common aspects of these environments include the requirement of being forcibly placed in the same space with people they don't get along with for a fixed period and the vulnerability of individuals who cannot meet the group's standards or achieve results when engaging in collective actions for a common goal. However, in a monetary society, it is not easy to change schools or workplaces due to uncertainties regarding finding a new job, making it challenging to avoid bullying.

    In Prout Village, there are no schools or workplaces where individuals have to spend the majority of their day with people they don't get along with. The crucial aspect here is that parents and those around individuals, whether they are children or adults, should not force them to continue activities they don't want to do. Instead, they should encourage them to explore a variety of things that align with their curiosity, even if it means changing their environment. The decision of whether to persist patiently through unpleasant experiences or to avoid them should be made by the individuals themselves. The accumulation of such experiences fosters the ability to take self-responsibility and find self-resolutions. The same applies to issues like domestic violence, where women and children in Prout Village can easily change their place of residence, making it easier to avoid abusive partners.

    However, individuals who are subjected to bullying tend to seek help less frequently, so it is important for friends and family who notice this to bring it to the attention of the local community and engage in discussions to determine appropriate measures.

    Through these efforts, stress arising from interpersonal relationships is significantly reduced, and long-term bullying becomes easily avoidable for everyone. What remains are isolated incidents of harassment or pranks to some extent.


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