The prefectural assembly is where the one head and one deputy head of the local government meet. Within the county assembly, the male and female prefectural heads and deputy heads, as well as the heads and deputy heads of the four governing bodies, are nominated based on the criterion of "sincerity. The local government that has a prefectural head and deputy head elects a new head and deputy head.
In 2000, there were 47 prefectures in Japan. If Japan were a state, there would be 47 prefectural governors and deputy prefectural governors each. A total of 94 people are expected to serve as chiefs for several years to several decades. From these 94 people, the head and deputy head of the Japanese state will be selected by nomination election to join the World Federation. If a man is elected as the head of the state, the female deputy head of the state at that time will automatically move down to the next head of the state. The provincial assembly that has a provincial head and a deputy head will also elect a new head and deputy head.
Next, I would like to talk about the election of the President of the World Federation. 200 countries existed in the world as of 2000. In other words, there are 200 heads of state and 200 deputy heads of state each. The number of states (countries) differs from continent to continent, and if a nomination election is held among them, the nominee may nominate the head of the state whose culture is close to his or her own, and the president of the World Federation or the head of the governing body is more likely to be born from the continent with a large number of states. Another aspect is that at this point, the state chiefs and vice chiefs are at the stage of being sincere and personable, having been chosen from among millions to tens of millions of people. Therefore, all state chiefs and deputy state chiefs will join the World Federation.
Then, the state chiefs hold nomination elections among the six major states where their states are located to determine the male and female representatives, and the two of them participate in the administrative organization of the World Federation. The six major states are (1) Oceania, (2) Asia, (3) Europe, (4) Africa, (5) North America, and (6) South America. Antarctica is excluded because there are no permanent residents in Antarctica.
If we divide 200 countries by 6 continents, we can simply calculate that there are about 35 state heads and deputy heads, each of men and women, from whom 2 representatives will be chosen.
After that, a nomination election will be held within the governing body of the World Federation to determine the President and Vice President. The President and Vice President, as well as the states that have male and female representatives from the six major states, and so on, will elect a new state head each time.
At present, the World Federation has four operating organizations: General Affairs, Medical and Food, Manufacturing, and Design, to which the President and Vice President are added. It is yet to be determined how much this number of organizations will increase, but if the World Federation starts in this form, other state presidents and vice presidents will join in supporting the operating organizations.
As an example, if a woman from the state of Oceania is in charge of the president of the World Federation and dies, the vice president at that time will be a man, so that man will become the next president. Then, a new Vice President is elected by nomination from among the women in the governing body of the World Federation. If the vice president is from North America, a nomination election will be held in North America to select a new female representative to join the governing body of the World Federation. In this way, the heads and deputy heads who run the World Federation gradually change year by year.
In this way, from the five town councils to the World Federation, the management system will be the same for all. At present, the person who will become the president will have to go through nine levels of nomination and election by the five town councils, four town councils, three town councils, two town councils, one town council, county councils, state councils, six major states, and the governing body of the World Federation.
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