The Way Food Should Be

Next, let's take a look at the macrobiotic way of eating. Macrobiotics is characterized by the use of whole ingredients, cooking without discarding skins or roots, local production for local consumption, using natural ingredients without food additives or pesticides, and cooking without excessive preparation. In addition, the cooking method should be based on traditional Japanese seasonings such as miso, soy sauce, and salt. The basic proportions of a macrobiotic diet are as follows

Grains (staple food) 40% to 60%.

Vegetables: 20% to 30%.

Beans and seaweeds: 5% to 10%.

Miso soup, etc. 5% to 10%.

These vegans who abstain from all food and clothing derived from animals are called vegans. Vegans eat only grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, and seaweed. They do not eat meat from animals such as pigs, cows, and birds, seafood, eggs, milk, dairy products, or honey. Vegans do not suffer animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose, and do not eat or wear anything of animal origin.

There are many other ways of eating in the world. There are vegetarian, macrobiotic, and vegan diets that focus on grains and vegetables without meat. Natural hygienists and raw food eat raw fruits and vegetables, avoiding cooking as much as possible to obtain more food enzymes. Ayurveda is a traditional Indian medicine that includes cooking. Ayurveda is a traditional Chinese medicine that uses mainly wild plants and medicinal herbs such as pine nuts and mugwort. Fruitarianism, where fruit is the staple of the diet. Liquidarianism is the practice of consuming only liquids such as water and fruit juices for nutrition.

All of these diets have one thing in common: it is better to eat natural foods that are free of pesticides and fertilizers, and avoid meat, white sugar, additives, and artificial foods. It is better to eat foods with digestion in mind. "It is better to eat foods that are easy on the body and that you enjoy. "It is better to eat foods that are natural and not overwhelming to the body. There are other things that are relatively common. It is better to eat in accordance with the body's 24-hour cycle.

4:00 a.m. to noon.
The time of elimination (the appropriate time for excretion of wastes and food debris from the body)

Noon to 8:00 p.m.
Intake and digestion time (the appropriate time for eating and digesting)

8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.
Absorption and utilization time (the appropriate time for the body to assimilate nutrients)

Chewing well prevents overeating, stimulates the brain, improves the condition of the stomach and intestines, and brings about a good night's sleep. Abdominal pain, lethargy, constipation, and insomnia can also be caused by chewing too little, and chewing should be continued until it naturally disappears without swallowing. Since food is turned into porridge in the stomach, turning it into porridge in the mouth will reduce the burden on internal organs and improve nutrient absorption.

With this in mind, the food at Prout Village is, in a word, vegan. However, meat eating is not prohibited. There are no nutritional problems without meat, and it is thought that the number of residents who go to the trouble of brutally killing live animals to eat meat will decrease.

And even with a healthy diet, people can still get sick. If you don't regret it when you get sick, there is nothing wrong with continuing to eat what you like. On the other hand, if you want to stay healthy every day, make your body last as long as possible, and enjoy your favorite things to the fullest, a healthy diet is essential.

And about the sugar, salt, rice, and protein used daily. In terms of eating natural foods, sugar should not be white sugar, but rather sugar beets or maple syrup, which is made by boiling down the sap of sugar maple trees. These are less likely to raise blood sugar levels, but you still need to be careful not to eat too much. Natural salt, such as moshio (seaweed salt), which is rich in natural minerals, is good. For rice, brown rice is better than white rice. Brown rice is better than white rice because it has more nutrients, and also because it improves constipation and makes it easier to produce banana-shaped stools. This indicates a good intestinal environment, which leads to good health. Protein can be obtained from soybeans and other sources instead of meat.


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