■ 720 years Nihon Shoki and Mirror

Nihon Shoki is completed.

In the creation myth of the Nihon Shoki, "Emptiness" was described as chaos like a chicken egg. At that time, a god, Kuni-no-Tokotachi no Mikoto, is born in the heavens and the earth.

In this Nihon Shoki, Yata no Kagami appears. This was given to Amaterasu Omikami by Amaterasu Omikami at the time of Tenson Korin, and he thought that this mirror was Amaterasu Omikami himself and worshiped it. And Yata no Kagami is kept in the Jingu and the Imperial Palace, and the one in the Imperial Palace is said to be a duplicate of the one in the Jingu. Because of this, Japanese shrines and shrines have treated mirrors as sacred, such as worshiping them as Shinto mirrors.

Zigzag patterns and vortex patterns of the golden ratio were seen in the bronze mirrors of China and Japan, and it was concluded that they were represented by common symbols. The next bronze mirror is called the Hokaku Kikushinkyo, and you can see four T-shaped In other words, the mirror itself, including the bronze mirror, represents EmptinessThe conclusion was that the mandala also represented Emptiness This is the same design as Mandala .

In the next Western Han's 1st century era, the Hokakuki Kushishinkyo has a table on which a mirror called a mirror rack is placed, and the design is similar to that of a shrine's Shinto mirror. In this way, Yata no Kagami, Shinto mirror, bronze mirror, mirror rack, and mirror also represent Emptiness.


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