Hiloyuki Kubota - ベテルギウスの最後(The End of Betelgeuse) feat. Vocaloid

・VOCALS : Vocaloid
・MUSIC & LYRICS : Hiloyuki Kubota
・ILLUSTRATION : Midjourney


Vacuum. A new star seems to have been born.

A celestial body suddenly begins to shine brightly.

Echoes of destruction and creation.

迫る危機 逃す時機 動けぬ彼ら

無気力 崩れる文明

せがむ命 蝕む空 土

愛でる花 癒す心 物憂げ

綿 首 締める天象

No star shines forever. There is a life span that eventually burns out and dies.

The sun is no exception, and the fate of the solar system goes with it.

Betelgeuse's annihilation and it’s shockwave are imminent.

A human body composed of elements scattered by a supernova explosion.

見えぬ危機 磁力失せ 

磁場乱れ そそぐ宇宙の粒子


繰り返す闇 見えぬ逃げ場

The explosion of a star is the beginning of life. 

It is a crisis for life, but a cosmic cycle.

Many people are not afraid of death. 

They don't want to suffer when they die, do they?

迫る死期 逃す好機 なぎ倒す木々

無能力 荒れ狂う磁場

果てる定め 跡形なく消え失せる願い

リゲル 寂(さぶ)し対極

漂う塵とガス 残る記憶

The universe and nature test how humble we are.

It’s a whole and a part. Everything is connected.

What begins is destined to end. But we cling to something.


赤い星 残す過去の記録

果てなき闇 続き



「The End of Betelgeuse」

Vacuum. A new star seems to have been born.

A celestial body suddenly begins to shine brightly.

Echoes of destruction and creation.

Semaru kiki nogasu kouki ugokenu karera

Mukiryoku kuzureru bunmei

Segamu inochi mushibamu sora tsuchi

mederu hana iyasu kokoro monouge

wata kubi shimeru tenshou

No star shines forever. There is a life span that eventually burns out and dies.

The sun is no exception, and the fate of the solar system goes with it.

Betelgeuse's annihilation and its shockwave are imminent.

A human body composed of elements scattered by a supernova explosion.

Mienu kiki jiryoku use

Jiba midare sosogu uchuu no ryuushi

Hiryoku yue inoru ugou no shuu

Kurikaesu yami mienu nigeba

The explosion of a star is the beginning of life.

It is a crisis for life, but a cosmic cycle.

Many people are not afraid of death. They don't want to suffer when they die, do they?

Semaru shiki nogasu kouki nagitaosu kigi

Munouryoku arekuruu jiba

Hateru sadame atokata naku kieuseru negai

Rigeru sabushi taikyoku

Tadayou chiri to gasu nokoru kioku

The universe and nature test how humble we are.

It’s a whole and a part. Everything is connected.

What begins is destined to end. But we cling to something.

Katati arumono wa sono keitai kae

Akai hoshi nokosu kako no kiroku

Hatenaki yami tsuzuki

Chirabaru seimei no kakera.


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