Collecting trash floating in the ocean

The oceans around the world, including the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans, are known as the "garbage belt" because of the plastic bottles, plastic bags, and various other trash floating in the water. The plastic trash is transformed into fragments and particles called microplastics by the waves of ocean currents and ultraviolet rays. This plastic waste is thrown away as garbage in many countries, including Japan, and the plastic that does not decompose drifts into the Pacific Ocean and other oceans, where it becomes microscopic plastic waste that is eaten by fish along with plankton, which are in turn eaten by humans. In some countries, this plastic is also mixed with table salt. 

An inventor, Boyan Surat, has invented a way to collect these huge amounts of garbage floating in the ocean. Since most of the plastic garbage floats on the surface of the water, a stick-shaped "float" is used to collect the garbage carried by the ocean currents. The garbage naturally collects in the center of the V-shape. This does not harm marine life because it does not use nets.

In a monetary society, a large amount of plastic trash like this is constantly flowing into the ocean. The solution to this problem is to eliminate corporate plastic production by spreading money-free Prout Village in parallel with the Marine Debris Collection Project. However, citizens work for these companies and get paid for their work, which means that if citizens don't demonetize the society, the problem will not fundamentally disappear.

The collected plastic bottles and other plastics will be broken down by bacteria. The bacteria is named "Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6" and was found at a recycling plant in Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture. It is said to be able to break down 0.2 mm thick PET into carbon dioxide and water in about one month. If Prout Village spreads and no new plastic waste is created, the world will be able to reduce the amount of plastic waste to zero even if it takes time.


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