Reference examples of education

Prout Village will be run based on the concepts of stillness, intuition, and technology that I have described so far, but there is a school that can be used as a reference in this regard. This is the Sudbury Valley School in Framingham, Massachusetts, USA, which accepts children from the ages of 4 to 19. A characteristic example of this school is as follows.

The school allows the children to learn only what they want to learn on their own.

The school only responds to the children's motivation. The school only responds to the children's motivation, and takes full responsibility for each child's activities. The school only responds to children's motivation.

The founders of this school are careful not to make the children an object of fear.

There is no compulsory learning at any level.

The term "class" in this school refers to the arrangement between learners and teachers. When one or more of the children want to learn something, be it math, French, physics, spelling, pottery, or whatever, a class begins to form. At first, they figure out how to learn on their own, and how to do it on their own. If that were all, the class would not be born, there would only be learning. The problem is when the children decide that they can't do it on their own, that's when they look for someone to teach them what they want to learn. When they find someone who can help them, they make an agreement with that person and start the class.

In making the agreement, the teacher promises when he or she will meet with the students. In making the agreement, the teacher should promise when he or she will meet with the students, either at a fixed time or at a flexible time. In the middle of the day, if the teacher decides that he or she can't teach any more, he or she can step down.

A young man made an agreement with an adult at his school to study physics. A young man made an agreement with an adult at his school to study physics, but after five months of reading the textbook, he came to the school only once to ask a question, and the rest of the time he studied on his own. The young man eventually became a mathematician.

An example of a child learning arithmetic. The children were motivated to learn arithmetic and found a teacher in the school who would teach them twice a week for 30 minutes each time. It took them 24 weeks (6 months) to complete the entire math course. It took me six months to complete the entire math course, which normally takes six years to complete in a normal school.

At the Sudbury Valley School, there is a writer who writes for hours every day, a painter who paints constantly, a potter who spins a wheel constantly, a chef who is passionate about cooking, an athlete who plays sports constantly, and a child who plays the trumpet for four hours every day.

At Sudbury Valley School, children who cannot read are not forced to read at all. At Sudbury Valley School, there is no coercion or rewarding of children who cannot read. However, there are no reading disabilities. Not a single child has graduated from the school illiterate or unable to read or write satisfactorily. In this school, some children are still illiterate at the age of eight, ten, and rarely twelve. However, before they know it, they are able to read and write and catch up with those who learned faster.

In this school, the children are not divided into age groups, but are left free to learn as they please. There are many times when younger students teach older students. Children help each other when their progress is uneven. If they don't help each other, the group as a whole will fall behind, and since they are not competing with each other or scoring good points, they develop a spirit of mutual help.

The age mix is also a plus in terms of learning, as children have a simpler way of explaining things than adults. Also, by teaching, they can experience the sense of irreplaceability and accomplishment. Also, through teaching, they are able to sort out problems and get to the heart of the matter at once.

A 12-year-old boy climbed to the top of a large 23-meter beech tree on campus. Other than that, anything can be dangerous depending on your point of view, such as rocky areas or streams. The real danger is created by putting a web of regulations around them. Breaking through the regulations becomes a challenge. If breaking the regulations becomes the supreme priority, then the most important thing, ensuring safety, will be neglected. Therefore, the school decided to let things happen as they would and be prepared for a little risk. Children are born with a natural instinct for self-preservation and will not do anything to destroy themselves.

The most serious accident at the Sudbury Valley School was a fall where an eight-year-old slipped and fell and bruised his shoulder.

The most serious accident at Sudbury Valley School was an eight-year-old who slipped and fell and bruised his shoulder. Ponds and swamps are public hazards, and you cannot tell how deep they are just by looking at the surface of the water. The last thing you want is to drown. Therefore, it was unanimously decided at the school assembly to ban all entry. However, the pond is not fenced.

The adults at Sudbury Valley School do not guide the children, do not group them, and do not offer any kind of help like they do at other schools. The adults at Sudbury Valley School do not guide the children, group them, or help them in any way like they do at other schools. This is not a laissez-faire approach, where adults just stand back and let nature take its course and don't do anything else. It means that school staff, parents, and other members of the community must be very careful not to interfere with the natural development of children's abilities. Total restraint is needed to avoid directing the flow of children's development in a different direction or building obstacles in front of it.


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