■ 1202 Shindaibutsu Temple in Mie Prefecture

At Shindaibutsu Temple in Mie Prefecture, you can also see the masonry of the incision and the vortex pattern of the golden ratio.

The body of the Great Buddha is a supplement to the Edo period, and the head is said to be the work of the Buddhist priest Kaikei.

The stone foundation of the Great Buddha is from the time of the statue, and you can see the masonry of the incision.

Iwaya Fudo, behind the Great Buddha Hall, stands in a place where the rock is hollowed out.

A vortex pattern of the golden ratio can be seen on the head of the immovable face enshrined at Shindaibutsu Temple.

It is said that this new Daibutsu temple was founded by Chogen. Chogen is known as a monk who directed the reconstruction project of the Great Buddha of Todaiji Temple and the Great Buddha Hall during the Kamakura period.


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